Property Taxes
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Water & Sewer
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Public Hearing Notice
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Date of Meeting: October 15,2024 Time of Meeting: 6:30P.M. Place of Meeting: Crockery Township- 17431 112th Ave. Nunica, MI 49448 Purpose of Meeting: Special Land Use Request
Public Hearing Notice
Public Hearing Notice: Date of Meeting: October 15,2024 Time of Meeting: 6:30 P.M. Place of Meeting: Crockery Township- 17431 112th Ave. Nunica, MI 49448 Purpose of Meeting: Special Land Use Request
Crockery Township Clean-Up Day
CROCKERY TOWNSHIP CLEAN-UP DAY Crockery Township will be placing dumpsters at the Crockery Township Hall parking lot at 17431 112th Ave. Nunica on Saturday October 19,2024 from 8:00AM-NOON. A $10.00 fee will be charged per load, proof of residency will be required. Unacceptable items: NO PAINT,...
Burn Permits
Burn permits can now be submitted online! Go to to get started. Your burn permit will be good for three days.
Upcoming Meetings
Planning Commission
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Board of Trustees
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Planning Commission
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Find assessing records for your property online
Search for Crockery Township under the look-up for municipalities. From there you will fill in the appropriate information to obtain your desired information.
If you are not the property owner, charges may apply.
Boards & Committees
Click on name of the board or committee to see minutes, upcoming meetings, and lists of members.