
Building Permits

When is a building permit required?

The 2000 Michigan Building Code requires a permit when one intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit. Section 105.1 lists a long description of the repairs that do not require a permit.

Who can make application for a building permit?

Application for a Building Permit can be made by the owner or lessee of a building or agent of either or by the registered design professional employed in connection with the proposed work.

What are the documents needed when making application for a building permit?

Please see the Building Permit Checklist for Applicants.

For additional documents, please refer to the Forms & Applications page.

Rick Sparks

Building Officials


Michelle Preisner

Building Administrative Assistant



Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday by appointment only.

Please contact our office to schedule an appointment






  • Chris Elzinga, Electrical Inspector
  • Art Haase, Mechanical & Plumbing Inspector
  • Rick Sparks, Building Inspector