Water and Sewer


All residents pay the same rate for water and sewer.

All of Crockery Townships drinking water is purchased from the Northwest Ottawa Water Treatment Plant located in Grand Haven. As of November of 2021, Crockery Township’s Wastewater Treatment plant was decommissioned.  All of Crockery Township’s Wastewater is pumped to Spring Lake Township to eventually be pumped to the Grand Haven- Spring Lake Wastewater Treatment plant in Grand Haven.

  • Water Use – Used to pay the Northwest Ottawa Water System (NOWS) for water supplied.
  • Water RTS – Used to maintain water lines thru out the system, which includes our water tower and pump stations.
  • Water SC – Used to pay outstanding water debt.
  • Sewer Use – Used to pay for costs associated with wastewater treatment and disposal
  • Sewer RTS – Used to maintain sewer lines and pump stations.
  • Sewer SC – Used to pay outstanding sewer debt.

We offer budget plans and ACH payment options

We will take your bills from the past year January through December and divide by that by twelve. This will be your payment for the current year, with an adjustment in December to zero out the account.

Click here to print off the form to be filled out and returned to the office.

You can also email us at treasurer@crockerymi.org or call (616) 837-6868 and ask for Jean or Judy.